Sunday 25th May 2014

Church Working Bee

Church working bee, Saturday 31st May, 10am. Boards need replacing on the church, church cleaned outside and in, the gardens need attending to, and the carpark tidied. Would perhaps be best to put in a packed lunch too. Many hands make light work!! See you there.


We have been invited to join Paparoa Church in gathering together in the 10 days leading up to penetecost….
10 Days of Songs of Zion. Friday 30th May to Pentecost Sunday, 8th june 7.00 pm—9.00pm every night at Paparoa

Zion—the city of david,
The Throne of David
The Key of David
The tabernacle of david
The 4 tabernacles
2 heavenly
2 earthly
The Tabernacle of David restored Zion is a place of — worship, prayer, ministry

Psalms 137: 2 There on the poplars we hung our harps, 3 for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors de-manded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”
4 How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land

18th December

PAPAROA GREEN CHRISTMAS:  TONIGHTSat 17th 6pm Great way to get out with the community.  There will be carols there also (Paparoa church organizing this)

 MOVIE NIGHT:TONIGHTSat 17th 8:30pm (or after it is finished on the green) . “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” PG rating. Animation staring Voice over of Jim Carey.  Paparoa Hall.  Popcorn for sale. Paul Smith will be setting up the big screen and sound system.  Let him know if you can give him a hand.  A community event. Spread the word

 SUNDAY MORNING 18TH : Sunday School Prizegiving and party included in service.  Party food lunch!!

 STMAS CAROLS:  Sun 18th Dec 7:00-8:30pm and dessert nibbles. Paparoa Anglican Church. Please bring a plate of dessert nibbles to share.  Delwyn is organizing this and could you let her know if you are going to be coming along because there are a few things she will need help with.

 CHRISTMAS EVE CAROL SERVICE:Sat 24th Dec 5:30- 8pm  Simple BBQ dinner (provided) Carols (by candlelight – bring a candle if you have one) start at 7pm.  Ararua Church. Would be great if someone can be in charge of the food side of things (all the meat has already been bought) –  Contact Julia L

CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE:  9:30AM. Paparoa Community Church.

28th August 2011

SUNDAY NIGHT: PaparoaChurch7:30pm (28th)

SIMPLE SEASONAL COOKING: The ladies group have organized a Simple Seasonal Cooking Demonstration on 1st September 10am at Ararua Chruch. Morning tea provided. The vision is to reach out and get to know others in the community while having fun and maybe passing on some cooking knowledge at the same time (multi-tasking!!!). Feel free to come along and invite your neighbours and friends.

PRAYER FOR THE NATIONS: 7:30PM Paparoa Chruch Friday 2nd September

SCHOOL OF THE SUPERNATURAL: FrontlineChurch Kerikeri are hosting this school on Sept 2 (Friday) 7-9pm and Sat. Sept. 3 from 9-4pm. Registrations needed. If you want any more info please contact Phil and Julia.

GROWING IN GOD : After having such a blast at the last Growing in God day last holidays and seeing the response from those who came, we have decided to go ahead with another these next coming holidays also. Keep Monday 10th October free. Start spreading the word and it would be great to see the children who came last time plus others join in – especially non church ones who go to day camp. Are you able to be apart of the team of helpers?

3rd August 2011

CHELSEAS TRAVELS: Hi everyone, Chelsea is due home on Wednesday at 4am and we would appreciate your prayers for this last leg of her journey. She has been staying with a family in ‘Conception’ that she met on out-reach last year. She has to get a couple of buses and maybe a train to get back to SantiagoAirport, plus pick up the majority of her luggage that she has left in storage at a hostel. She is really looking forward to getting home and seems weary of traveling alone. She has been stretched quite a lot this weekend as she was asked to teach/preach at a youth group Saturday night and again at a small local church Sunday night, all in Spanish- no-one speaks more than 2 words in English, and she only has her Spanish Bible with her as she left the other one with her main luggage, so preparing for a talk was not that easy. She also had to preach in Spanish on the local radio!!! We have been reading today of the power of crying out to Jesus ‘ Psalm 107′ and that we can pray for’ a hedge of thorns to bind satan’ which we have done concerning Chelsea so just wanted you all to keep her in your prayers .Thanks so much. Her travel will start Tuesday morning here (tomorrow). Paul Smith

CHURCH PROJECT: Another prayer meeting seeking guidance towards the go ahead or not of a combined church community project of buying/using Paparoa Library building for community/youth work. Thursday (4th) night 7:30pm Paparoa Church.

PRAYER FOR NATIONS: The monthly combined prayer meeting will be held at Maungaturoto Congregational Church 7:30pm Friday (5th) night.