3rd August 2011

CHELSEAS TRAVELS: Hi everyone, Chelsea is due home on Wednesday at 4am and we would appreciate your prayers for this last leg of her journey. She has been staying with a family in ‘Conception’ that she met on out-reach last year. She has to get a couple of buses and maybe a train to get back to SantiagoAirport, plus pick up the majority of her luggage that she has left in storage at a hostel. She is really looking forward to getting home and seems weary of traveling alone. She has been stretched quite a lot this weekend as she was asked to teach/preach at a youth group Saturday night and again at a small local church Sunday night, all in Spanish- no-one speaks more than 2 words in English, and she only has her Spanish Bible with her as she left the other one with her main luggage, so preparing for a talk was not that easy. She also had to preach in Spanish on the local radio!!! We have been reading today of the power of crying out to Jesus ‘ Psalm 107′ and that we can pray for’ a hedge of thorns to bind satan’ which we have done concerning Chelsea so just wanted you all to keep her in your prayers .Thanks so much. Her travel will start Tuesday morning here (tomorrow). Paul Smith

CHURCH PROJECT: Another prayer meeting seeking guidance towards the go ahead or not of a combined church community project of buying/using Paparoa Library building for community/youth work. Thursday (4th) night 7:30pm Paparoa Church.

PRAYER FOR NATIONS: The monthly combined prayer meeting will be held at Maungaturoto Congregational Church 7:30pm Friday (5th) night.


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